Thursday, December 9, 2021

Week of December 13- December 17, 2021

This week will be full of theme days!

 Monday- Winter Hat day; Music Therapy

Tuesday- Crazy Socks day; Computers

Wednesday- Red & Green Day; Return library books

Thursday- Winter Sweater day; Adapted gym

Friday- PJ day and last day of school for 2021!

We have been exploring different holiday traditions around the world and our trip will end this week in Australia. We have had fun making crafts and trying some new foods.

Take good care over the Christmas break and we will see you back on Tuesday, January 4, 2022.

Week of March 3-7, 2025

Monday -     Music Therapy. Communication Circle with Miss Krawchuk.  Tuesday - Wednesday - Adapted Gym, Fine Arts. Library books due.  Swim...